On-site Document Scanning Services

On-site Document Scanning Services

As an alternative to our in-house document scanning facilities, you can still use our full compliment of services, but at your remote, on-site facility.

If you have documents that cannot leave your location for reasons of security, compliance issues or heavy ongoing usage, we can set up a document scanning shop at your location. Image One will bring all of the equipment to you, along with our industry-experienced team to complete your scanning project.

On-site scanning has several benefits, including: 

  • Accessibility: You can access hard copies of your records without navigating a records request process.
  • Reduced transport costs: You don’t need to move your documents to a scanning center.
  • Security: You can ensure the complete security of your information and you can monitor your documents throughout the digitization process.
  • Save on office space: Digitizing paper records can save you storage space and money.