(COR) Clerk Official Record: Records Management Software

COR: Clerk
Official Record
Streamlined system for recording and managing Official Records lets county recording clerks do more with less!
Are you happy with your Official Records software’s ease of use and your vendor’s customer service? Do you get new features and updates without having to wait months or years?
If not, then consider COR: Clerk Official Record Software!
There’s no margin for error when it comes to maintaining the accuracy and fidelity of Official Records. Your constituents count on you to ensure that these vital records are secure, accessible and well-managed. Image One’s COR Clerk Official Record software is up to the task – it was designed by deputy clerks in Florida counties, which Image One has been serving since our founding in Tampa in 1994.
In fact, COR was developed with over 300 hours of input from both junior and senior Florida county recorders, while also leveraging our 25 years of document imaging and systems integration experience.
Streamlined Clerk Official Records Workflow
COR streamlines official record creation – just scan and key with focused tasks and accelerators. COR also features fast, disaster-ready search and retrieval. COR’s stability allows it to handle millions of documents – safely, and securely, ensuring that you will never lose a document.
Developed on .Net and having an interface like Microsoft Outlook, COR is intuitive, user-friendly and easy to learn – users new to recording are up and running unsupervised within a week or so as compared to the months it can take to learn other software. COR uses a wizard mentality, prompting users with document type-specific questions as they record information, reducing mistakes and accidents. As a result, recording is faster and more accurate.
Our cloud-based back-up option provides security against natural disasters, providing assurance that if your IT infrastructure is down for an extended period following an event like a hurricane, FEMA will be able to access your constituents’ land records if necessary, to verify and issue relief checks.
Flexibility & Responsiveness
COR is flexible enough to keep up with the constant onslaught of statutory and regulatory changes. Rules, regulations, fees, deadlines, and more – all the requirements are programmed into the system and easily updated. And COR uses structured legal descriptions so property records are fully searchable and quickly found.
Configurable installation means a document type specific workflow can be tailored to match how you actually work, with recommendations for added efficiency based on our 25+ years of experience. COR also includes the ability to create microfilm-ready images, and an automated fraud alert system – functions that originated with customer requests.
The best part: when you need support, Image One’s world-class support team will be there to assist.
Free E-Recording
COR also allows users to submit documents electronically without extra e-recording fees, which is especially appreciated by small title and construction companies who no longer have to record with costly, out-of-state services.
Case Study
With the implementation of the COR system 13 years ago, the Collier County Clerk’s Office has innovated to the forefront of official records capture and workflow automation with a system built to meet all of their specifications.
COR combines the deep government records experience of its users, with its developers’ expertise in document imaging and workflow software. The result has been dramatic efficiencies and cost savings for both the clerk’s office and its customers with a platform that is fast, reliable and secure. Here’s an overview:
Highlights of Using COR
- 155,635: the number of documents recorded by the Collier County Clerk’s office in 2019
- 507,395 individual pages encompassed by those documents
- 83,794 documents recorded digitally (e-recorded)
- Hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential savings to businesses who opt to use COR instead of paying fees to private e-recording companies
- 24 hours in typical processing time for documents submitted through COR online portal
- 33% smaller staff processing a workload that has increased by approximately 200 documents per day
COR Software Modules
- Admin
- Business Portal
- Cashiering
- File Servers
- Fraud Alerts
- Microfilm Exporting
- Public Access
- Public Kiosk Recordings
- SQL Databases
- Vault
- Web Services
- Microfilm Exporting