Document Scanning & Workflow Automation Blog

  • Upgrade to OpenText™ AppEnhancer Version 24.4 (previously ApplicationXtender)

    Upgrade to OpenText™ AppEnhancer Version 24.4 (previously ApplicationXtender)

    Friday, February 14, 2025

    At the end of Summer 2025, AppEnhancer 20.4 and earlier versions will be in sustaining support. Now is the time to get the latest and greatest offerings from OpenText AppEnhancer 24.4! Modern User Interfaces: AppEnhancer goes fully web and redesigned 2024 saw AppEnhancer as a fully web offering. This provides customers with a lower product […]

  • Introducing OpenText™ AppEnhancer Version 22.2 (previously ApplicationXtender)

    Introducing OpenText™ AppEnhancer Version 22.2 (previously ApplicationXtender)

    Wednesday, August 17, 2022

    At the end of 2021, the robust document management software ApplicationXtender (AX) was rebranded as AppEnhancer. While the OpenText product’s name changed, the winning features that put it on the map remained. And now, with the 22.2 release, new features to further “enhance” business processes have been made available. Integrations for Process Improvement AppEnhancer 22.2 integrates with […]

  • Strategies for Engaging Parents with Your Income Surveys

    Strategies for Engaging Parents with Your Income Surveys

    Thursday, December 2, 2021

    Income surveys are commonly used by school districts throughout the United States for determining whether or not a district qualifies for free benefits for all students, additional programs such as SNAP and TANF, and more. Income surveys are excellent ways to collect information, but they are only effective if the parents in a school district […]

  • Maximizing your State and Federal Funding with Income Surveys

    Maximizing your State and Federal Funding with Income Surveys

    Thursday, November 18, 2021

    The national school lunch program offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is well-known throughout the country for providing freed or reduced lunches to qualifying children. The USDA normally provides adequate funding for school districts whose children qualify for the program, with the 2021-2022 school year being different than most. In the wake of […]

  • 5 Things to Consider Before Starting a Scanning Project

    5 Things to Consider Before Starting a Scanning Project

    Wednesday, October 27, 2021

    Document digitization is the way of the future for many companies today and they oftentimes begin with a scanning project of stored files. Beginning a scanning project may sound as simple as placing paper in a scanner or hiring a scanning company, but there are a number of factors to consider at the outset of […]

  • What to Look For in a Scanning Partner

    What to Look For in a Scanning Partner

    Friday, October 8, 2021

    Over the past two years, there has been a greater need for many companies to digitize documents that they once kept in an office filing cabinet or storage room. With many companies shifting employees to remote working and limiting the number of people in a central office, having digital versions of Human Resources (HR), Accounts […]