More cities are using conversion services for electronic filing systems

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Many Oregon counties are following Yamhill County's efforts toward digital court documentation systems. Most recently, Linn County Court has been in the process of converting all its records to be available online, according to The Democrat Herald. The electronic filing system will allow the public to retrieve civil and criminal case documents from anywhere with an internet connection and at any time.

The eCourt system will make the court hearing process more efficient since attorneys can transmit filings to the courthouse instead of having to bring physical copies. Additionally, there is no risk of losing these important documents when they are transferred electronically.

So far, more than 2.5 million documents have already been scanned for conversion and by June 2016, Oregon's entire court system plans to be completely paperless. The paperless trend has caught on: Crook, Jefferson and Jackson counties are planning to follow suit, as well as Benton County in 2014.

There has been overwhelming support for these efforts in Chattanooga City as well, where council members voted 8-1 in favor of a paperless transition. reported that with the implementation of electronic document management software, the city will capture all of its files into electronic images.

Document imaging has become increasingly popular as it allows councils to archive and manage files in a more organized manner. Public access to these documents after uploading speeds up application processes and helps citizens to keep track of important case information. Most importantly, the possibility of lost, stolen or destroyed files is decreased by creating a digital version. Cities that adopt a paperless strategy can have an immense influence on surrounding counties that witness the benefits of an electronic system.

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