Wildfire results in missing files

Monday, September 24, 2012

Marking one of the driest summers on record, the warm weather months of 2012 brought a lot of wildfires to the midwestern region of the United States. Either caused naturally or through arson, the fires ravaged parts of Colorado, Wyoming and Oklahoma, causing devastation to homeowners and entrepreneurs alike.

Because of the flames, many homes, possessions and files were destroyed. Many individuals are now looking to pick up their pieces of what's left and move on, but find that the necessary files and documents they need to do so no longer exist.

For example, according to Creek County, Oklahoma's, News On 6, around 400 homes were destroyed, ruining important documents like birth certificates, licenses and tax records. Many companies were affected in the same way. The source recommends contacting each and every government agency that distributes the files and going through the motions to get copies, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

However, if many of these people and company owners had invested in conversion services, they would still have access to such records, and would not need to spend the time and effort needed to get reprints. This would be especially important to businesses, which would get the edge on competitors after a disaster, as they would be able to pick back up quicker.

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