Canadian Navy documents deleted

Friday, December 14, 2012

When documents are stored physically in file cabinets, the risk for loss or destruction is heightened. As such, many businesses and government agencies choose to archive older files on computer databases to keep records safe. However, unless employees know how to use such platforms correctly, threats may persist.

According to Metro Newspaper, the Canadian Navy is reporting that various files that detailed the plans for changing naval intelligence strategies were accidentally deleted from the National Defense database. Officials made the mistake when The Canadian Press requested the documents.

Some representatives said that the records may still be present in the email inboxes of officials serving overseas, however, the news source noted.

Even if electronic document management systems are present, the risk of deletion may still persist. As such, company leaders may want to think about backing up such information on multiple databases, encrypting the files and only allowing authorized personnel access. Though many experts think these systems are the best way to protect data, proper training and security protections are still crucial.

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