Education records set for destruction in Massachusetts

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Companies and agencies that depend on paper record keeping may eventually find that to keep up their storage strategies, they will have to shell out a large amount of money. To store tangible files, organizations either have to move to a new location that can house more filing cabinets when they take on new clients, or invest in an off-site storage facility.

In the Pentucket Regional School District in Massachusetts, administrators are simply forced to destroy old records. According to the Newbury Daily News, leaders at the Central Office of the district decided to dispose of all school records for special education students born before 1984. Those who want to retain their records must pick them up before January 1, 2013, the source said.

Rather than being forced to destroy files or make alternative storage plans, many organizations choose to invest in electronic document management. This tactic not only frees up floor space, but it's also often less expensive, according to the National Archives. Hosting files online allows approved individuals to access records as well as evolve with the latest technology and provide a better customer experience, the source added.

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